You recently had a seriously painful toothache, so you called your emergency dentist in Holbrook and got an appointment booked right away. While you were at the office, you noticed that your dentist seemed to be taking extra precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. For example, they’re wearing double face masks as well as face shields and surgical gowns. You look down and found that your dentist was also wearing coverings for their shoes. Why is that? Keep reading to find out.
Why Is Your Dentist Wearing Shoe Coverings?
According to a new study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the germs that cause COVID-19 may be able to spread from person to person via their shoes. The study suggests that the footwear of healthcare professionals in particular could be powerful carriers.
As a result, your dentist (as well as the majority of dentists across the country) now wears shoe coverings as part of their daily work attire, along with their normal personal protective equipment (PPE). Your dentist and their hygienists and assistants change into their scrubs, masks, gloves, and shoe coverings as soon as they arrive at the office. In the past, they may have changed at home, but changing at the office eliminates the possibility that germs from the home could be tracked into the office.
How Else Is Your Dentist Preventing the Spread of COVID-19?
In addition to covering their face, body, and shoes, your dentist in Holbrook is taking several safety precautions to limit the transmission of all germs, but especially the novel coronavirus. Some of these precautions include:
- Having patients wait in their cars instead of their waiting room
- Performing daily health evaluations of all the staff members
- Offering some consultations online
- Using advanced chairside suction techniques to minimize the contamination of aerosol particles
- Designating a different person each day to be in charge of enforcing social distancing guidelines
- Providing patients with an antimicrobial mouth rinse before their appointment begins
- Having patients dispose of their outside gloves before they enter the office
- Offering extended appointments, allowing your dentist to perform more procedures in a single sitting
As you can see, it’s well worth it for your dentist to wear shoe coverings as well as all the other kids of PPE. If you’re concerned about the safety measures your dentist is taking, don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and ask them.
About the Author
Dr. Teresa Salem has been practicing dentistry for almost 25 years and counting. She has achieved Diplomate status in the International Dental Implant Association. Her practice takes COVID-19 safety very seriously, and adheres to all of the guidelines listed above, including wearing shoe coverings. To learn more about their safety protocols, visit Dr. Salem’s website.