The Keto Diet & Your Oral Health: Harmful or Helpful?

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Aerial view of Keto breakfast

It’s the topic of multiple best-selling books, the marketing buzzword companies are slapping on all their products, and the secret behind millions of weight-loss transformations: the Keto Diet. This low-carb, high-fat regimen has been touted by celebrities and the public alike for years now, but it’s more debated than ever today. After all, it is important to consider how lifestyle changes affect your whole body, including your oral health. Fortunately, a dentist in Holbrook is sharing whether this trend is more harmful or helpful for your teeth and gums.

What Does the Research Say About The Keto Diet and Oral Health?

Although experts are still researching the intricacies of this ever-popular diet, there is some substantial evidence already available. In fact, a team at the University of Freiburg in Germany recently conducted a study that discovered sticking to a low-carb and low-sugar regimen can decrease tartar build-up, cavities, and gum disease by a whopping 50%! So, this diet may be just as good for your smile as it is for your waistline.

Let’s Talk Keto Breath

Although the choice to “go Keto” comes with a multitude of benefits, like less sugar and better-fitting clothes, there is one noticeable consequence that you may not love as much: keto breath. Also referred to as “dragon breath,” this unpleasant smell can make you feel self-conscious, even if you are achieving your weight-loss goals. Fortunately, that’s where your dentist comes in!

How Your Dentist Can Help

Your dental team is your greatest ally when it comes to preserving your oral health. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to speak with them directly before beginning a diet. From there, they can provide you with a list of best practices to keep your breath minty-fresh and your teeth and gums in pristine condition, such as:

  • Attend your biannual checkups and cleanings
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Prioritize your brushing and flossing routine
  • Focus on eating vegetables over “junk”

Over the past few years, the Keto Diet has risen in popularity, and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down anytime soon. Plus, recent research has shown that this lifestyle change doesn’t have to come at the expense of your teeth and gums! Just make sure to talk to your dentist before starting to help prevent keto breath.

About the Practice

At Personal Dental Associates, you won’t find the typical dental experience of jam-packed waiting rooms, being rushed in and out of the treatment chair, and feeling like nothing more than a number. In fact, our entire philosophy was built on the exact opposite of that! Whether you are coming in for preventive care, restorative dentistry, cosmetic treatment, or just about anything in between, you can expect state-of-the-art technology, flexible appointment options, and a world-class team. If you are considering “going Keto” or interested in scheduling an appointment, visit our website.

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